If You Whiten Your Teeth at Home or With the Dentist

Most everyone wants to have beautifully white teeth so they can be confident in their smile. Unfortunately, almost everyone experiences staining that can cause their smile to look less attractive than they would like. Stains can be caused by beverages like cola, coffee, tea and wine. You can also experience staining from smoking and medications. Since your teeth naturally begin to darken as you age, this can cause problems with the appearance of your smile even if you carefully brush.

Since staining is such a common problem, many people now rely on family dentistry. Unfortunately, not all whitening products are beneficial to your teeth. This is why it is crucial you read up on dental patient testimonials so you know you are getting the best products. Online recommendations can give you the information you need so you can be sure you are choosing the best treatments and services.

To ensure your teeth are properly whitened, it is best to seek services from dental offices. At-home whitening kits are a one-size-fits-all approach that can actually damage your teeth. This is because important steps are missing in the process of whitening your teeth.

A dental office first examines your teeth and makes sure they are healthy enough for treatment. Dental molds are created of your teeth so the whitening tray fits precisely and does not allow the whitening ingredients to irritate your sensitive gum tissue.

Unfortunately, at-home kits feature one size of tray. Most of these require you get them hot and then mold them to your teeth. It is impossible to get a good fit through this method. Not only does this lead to lackluster results, but it also causes irritation in the gums and can cause permanent irritation to the teeth.

Getting the Perfect Smile does not have to be out of your reach. Instead of trying products at random, read up on patients reviews for dental offices in your area. By seeing the dentist for your whitening treatment needs, you can rest assured the health of your teeth will be protected.

Your dentist can offer you the same ease of use as at-home kits, with a stronger, concentrated whitening product so you actually experience whiter teeth. By using your dentist’s whitening products, you can learn how to properly use them so any risks are taken to a minimum.

If you are interested in learning more about whitening treatments and other subjects of interest, visit cottonmouthmunchies. By having your teeth whitened, you can finally feel fully confident in the appearance of your smile.